I have had it with CMBN



I have tried to like this game , and in some ways it is a great game but troops just fall like leaves from a tree and there is little enjoyment with seeing your troops run off and get cut down . If you comapre acounts of fire fights in Afganistan which can go on for hour,s with only low caualties (Which any casualty is to much for that pointless war) Why is it that a squad of troops in a building gets cut down from 10 - 2 in a samll arms fight so quick that is not realistic.

So I will play the odd campaign for now against the AI but no PBEM battles . So any body playing me call a victory
Yes that is true, but I gave it another go and I am having no fun or excitment with the game.
I admit casualties can rise VERY quickly, esepcially if you pick the wrong terrain for a fight. Had a 70-minutes battle last night with 24 KIA and 35 WIA and effectively lost almost half of my starting force having had about a dozen casualties in the battle before. Due to less abstraction, combat has become much mroe dadly, especially when your'ne NOT the side with more automatic weapons.

Probably a couple of things still aren't quite right. but in general we just need to adapt more. In case of the buildings I have a theory...
I dont have any problems with troops just falling like leaves from a tree(as long as they are not my troops)....
I have my own frustrations with CMBN, but I still find the game a boatload of fun to play. Even when I'm on the receiving end of the punishment, I might yell at my screen or curse my men, but deep down I still find it fun.

If you don't find it fun, go find something else to do. It's just a game.
I Played the CMBN demo, and what ever it was, it seemed to be missing something... I'm sticking with CMx1
I have my own frustrations with CMBN, but I still find the game a boatload of fun to play. Even when I'm on the receiving end of the punishment, I might yell at my screen or curse my men, but deep down I still find it fun.

If you don't find it fun, go find something else to do. It's just a game.

That is true, I dont have a great deal of time to play spend most of my spare time playing and polishing my act .
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