I never played a CM campaign, any suggestions ?

I haven't played many to be a judge, but I do like Road to Mountburg (spelling off here methinks) and I did download Devils Descent and enjoyed that one too.

I think perhaps the problem is they seem tame after head to head. But interesting all the same.

Good luck and let me know what you find - I am sure others will have better suggestions.
Both the American campaigns in CMBN are good. Make sure to download the updated versions from Battlefront, if I recall. I got frustrated with the Amerucan campaign in CMFI. I haven't played others but keep meaning to.
The only one I've tried out of your list of games is Road to Montebourg. I've been playing it off and on for three years now, and I am only halfway through. It's definitely well done for a CM campaign. My problem is I find CM's campaigns about as fun as watching paint dry. However, I did start the USMC campaign in SF, and I'm really enjoying that one. Go figure. It's certainly been the only one I've really gotten into.
I second the vote for Devil's Descent. It's the only campaign I've really enjoyed all the way through. It has a great atmosphere and storyline, with battles being challenging but not impossible
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