I would like to join FGM ARMA 3 action, but I am an ARMA noob. :)



Are these sessions scheduled at set times? And do you need to attent them all?
If so I am out, because my work schedules will not allow for it.

If I can join in however, how should I proceed? I have the base game, but not the Marksman nor Helo DLC.

Thanks chaps.
Ok i'll look into that. Other than that just keep an eye on this forum section to see play dates?
Hi Yskonyn. The FGM ARMA community is very relaxed. Sessions are on a Sunday at 12:30 GM as posted in this forum, unless I can't run one for some RL reason. Attendance is not compulsory, people join as they wish. The only rule we have is attendees must be members of The Few Good Men community. You will need to use the FGM Teamspeak for radio comms. This can be goggled and downloaded easily. The TS address is in my signature.

You don't need any of the purchase DLC but you will need to download the various user community free mods we use. This can be done with PlaywithSix. You Goggle for the PlaywithSix software, download and then search and download the various mods that are posted for the missions within the PlaywithSix tool. The mod names look like @Aname etc. Allow plenty of time to do this before the session, many of the files are large and the entire set can take hours to download.

The only challenging mod to install is TFAR. There are a host of youtube videos on how to install, just search TFAR or Task Force Radio. The community can also help if you get stuck.

Looking forward to seeing you on the battlefield.
I will be more than able to get things up and running.
Are there any plans for tomorrow?
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