Im back...


Staff member
Nov 5, 2009
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Hi Guys

I had a last minute trip away to the Highlands of Scotland to visit the mother in law... 25 degrees heat here so me and the wife made the most of it and headed of at a moments notice.

Back now after a fine weekend away. All outstanding stuff will be done in the morning as I need to get my head down for some much needed snooze.

Laters. :)
Come over here with me in the truck. I can have some weeks where it sits between 38 and 44 degrees Celsius during the day, and only gets down to 26 at night, that's with 2 air conditioners going flat out 24hrs a day.
Don't forget that's in Scotland lol, apparantly it hit 40 in london over the weekend. 25 is scorching for that far north lol
Where is that Johnsy, Hell ? :)

That's inside the truck. You are sitting on the engine. It is 620 horse power, pulling around 64 ton in temperatures of between 30 and 45 degrees Celsius in the summer months, in the out back of Australia. I've pulled up at 2am to go to bed and it's 40 degrees in the cabin of the truck.
Aussie explorer John Sturt led an expedition into the outback in the 1800's during the hottest summer ever recorded- "The wind increased to a heavy gale and i shall never forget its withering effect. I sought shelter behind a large gum tree but the blasts of heat were so terrific that I wondered the very grass did not take fire.
At noon I took a thermometer, graduated to 127 degrees,[53 Celsius] out of my box and observed that the mercury was up to 125 [52 Celsius].
Thinking it had been unduly influenced, I put it in the fork of a tree sheltered from the wind and sun.
When I went to examine it an hour afterwards I found that the mercury had risen to the top of the instrument and that its further expansion had burst the bulb, a circumstance that I believe no traveller has ever before had to record."
Yes. the heat here can be unbearable. We would be on par with the hottest places in the world.
well I will stick to our Canadian Winters...and cooler summers...I guess with heat or cold...if it doesn't kill you, it will make you stronger?
As I'm getting older (and fatter), I'm enjoying the cooler months more. Where I live it gets down to about -8 in a really cold winter and it doesn't snow. I'm 40 and have never seen snow.
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