I'm gonna have to hang up my PBEM gloves



Hi chaps,

My father has been diagnosed with cancer and subsequently I'm not able to throw out PBEM's on a daily basis, it wouldn't be fair on any of my opponents.
I can only manage occasional emailing.

However, I'm not planning to be idol.
As seen in another tread, I'd like to do a campaign in a few months time, something to keep my mind occupied but won't require me to work at the computer on a daily basis.

Any one who is engaged in battle with me at the moment I will have to surrender, unless you want to fight the battle slowly.

Sorry to hear that. A lot of people seem to suffer from that illness nowadays... I know there isn#t much I can say but I hope all of you can find teh strength to cope with teh situation and I wish your father that his health improves.

Anyway, I already posted some feedback at the campaign thread - my opinion about additional GMs even more urgent because of this development.
All the best for Your father,mate! I hope he can be victouriuos about the cancer. If there is something what I can do let me know!

Your all ways welcome for a slow battle, thats why pbem rules. you can take your time ;)
Feel free to drop a file anytime
Very sorry to hear the news. Prayers go out to you and your family from me and mine.
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