in our troubled times...In Jesus' name


Christian Soldier

Lord Jesus, I know You hear my prayers, and I praise You for being so near to those who seek You. Thank You for cleansing me of my sin through Your death and resurrection. Father, there are many devastating things happening in our nation and throughout the world that are causing people to ask questions. They are frightened, in need, confused, and hurting. Their hearts are crying out for answers, Lord, but they are seeking solutions to their pain in places that can only offer empty, temporary relief. Father, please turn the spiritual tide of our nation--show the lost that the way, the truth, and the life can only be found in You. You have called believers to be Your ambassadors here on earth--You call us by Your own name! Yet we have not always represented You well. Father, help us humble ourselves, stir us to pray, make us hunger for Your presence, and show us the wickedness of our ways so that we may turn from them. Father, hear from heaven, forgive our sin, and heal our land! We know Your eyes are open to our troubles, and You are attentive to our cries. Thank You for answering us, turning this tide, and hearing our prayers. In Jesus' name, Amen. (See 2 Chronicles 7:12-15.)

I was moved to share this week’s prayer in “140 Days of Prayerâ€. This is the sixth week. It was started to help America in our troubled time but it could be used by any nation. You can get more details at
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