Inglorious Basterds



Just saw this and I recommend it for a good war fiction movie. Lots of action and very graphic. Great entertainment

I thought this was a weak movie with a very disappointing ending.
There was never any intent to follow history and once you accept this concept, there were interesting story lines. I don't know if I would recommend anyone pay money to see it. I watched it on a borrowed DVD. I thought the opening scene provided some tension and I thought the most interesting character was the SS officer throughout. Also the bar scene where the firefight broke-out was good. You never knew who would survive a scene. There was more dialogue than some might expected and I thought those scenes were good, but they had to take some liberties, not only with history, but explaining how the basterds managed to roam around France like they did.
I suppose I could place it in the same category as the "300" and its re-enactment of Thermopylae.
This is a great movie! Anyone watching it for a WW II historical piece is missing the point, it is a comedy and a great one at that. It is about as historically correct as the original Inglorious bastards which is great in its own right.

The movie is about the great characters created, from the over the top Nazi officer to the outrageous Tennessee accented typical WW II American persona used by Brad Pitt's character. I never thought I could laugh so hard watching American G.I.'s get slaughtered but the scene of the "German Sgt. York" in the bell tower is hilarious. Not because it shows him killing G.I.'s but because it is an over the top Goebbels propaganda film and is shown as such. When a G.I. gets shot and another G.I steals his wallet I about fell out of my chair. The movie is just full of classic old WWII movie cliche's that Tarantino hits the nail on the head in this film. You need to lighten up a bit for this one history guys.

Watch the bonus film here it is great.[video=youtube;on07HQPjYnk][/video]

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