Interesting: the language you speak, influences your view on the world etc.


Bert Blitzkrieg

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Perhaps it is a good thing everybody learns more then one language ! Sure would decrease the pigheaded nationalistic views. By laerning another language you learn also about the people who speak it; you learn more about the world you live in.

In the Netherlands we learn at least one foreign language (English is mandatory) and often two or three. Very helpful on a holiday too !
We had to learn poncey French at school but I'd have preferred German, it's said that the Germans have the best swearwords in the world..:)

A British soldier saw these words written on the wall of a jail cell by a German soldier who'd been confined there for over-staying his weekend pass with a girlfriend-
"Zwei tag ficken,
Drei tag dicken"

("Two days f*cking,
Three days dicken"
'Dicken' being slang for the glasshouse)
There are parents, with the future careers of their children in mind, who send their children to Chinese (mandarin) lessons... Language of the future etc.

Good choice for another language to learn is Spanish. Worildwide is the second most widely spoken lannguage (2nd to Mandarin Chinese), so I've read on the allknowing Wikipedia... In Europe the language with the most speakers is German, so you're better of with German then with French. Even in France you can nowadays often get by with English. Of course because of pronounciation it is not always easy to understand what is being said...
Couple of years ago when I still was single I went on a tigerwatchingtrip in India. We travelled by train a lot and so you met a lot of the local people, which was very nice. But understanding them wasn't always possible. They speak Engish a whole lot different then I learned at school !
So what do I say then? I speak English fluently and have learend French for three years. Apart from that I'm trained in Latin, Ancient Greek and Ancient Hebrew. :)
I learned Russian quite well (it was obligatory in my school time) then English, German and a little Dutch. now in Poland English is obligatory and second foreign language to chose mostly German, French, Russian, Spanish but it could be Czech,Ukrainian or Italian
I regard my brain as a hard drive and I'm very careful about what I put in there.
As a result, my mind is not cluttered with non-essential rubbish and I can think clear and sharp..:)
The Establishment force-feeds kids useless subjects to tire out their minds and make them more susceptible to mind-control..
LMAO.... mind control?

Yes mate, it's not rocket science, our parents, teachers and Establishment brainwash us from an early age into being 'good little boys and girls' and to always do as we're told.
That's why when anybody comes along who says "Think for yourself", the Establishment either kills them (eg Jesus), or suppresses them (eg Pete Seeger)
As I said in another thread, just look at all the confused neurotic stressed people around because the Establishment has screwed up their minds by cluttering them up with false godless values.
For example, many students kill themselves because over-studying has sent them nutty, which brings me back to what I said before- cramming rubbish into your head is a bad idea..
But on the grand scheme of things knowing the workings of Combat Mission inside and out isn't mindless rubbish??

I'd rather my skull was filled with CM than f*cking useless Latin or Chinese etc..:)
Just to clarify- when I spoke of 'mind control' i simply meant the very subtle way the Establishment brings us up to be wimpy so we'll accept what we're told without questioning it.
The global warming/climate change thing is one example, the governments of the world are saying it justifies a tax rise on fuel and are hoping everybody will take their word for it, whereas some people are refusing to swallow it and are saying emissions make no appreciable effect..
Yes mate, it's not rocket science, our parents, teachers and Establishment brainwash us from an early age into being 'good little boys and girls' and to always do as we're told.
That's why when anybody comes along who says "Think for yourself", the Establishment either kills them (eg Jesus), or suppresses them (eg Pete Seeger)

I'm a parent and instead of calling it "brainwashing" I call it "educating" and "raising" and "learning". Apart from the "brainwashing" I do with my kid is learning him to think for himself. But, of course, you can call that brainwashing too. Depends of your own views.
I'm a parent and instead of calling it "brainwashing" I call it "educating" and "raising" and "learning". Apart from the "brainwashing" I do with my kid is learning him to think for himself. But, of course, you can call that brainwashing too. Depends of your own views.

Entrusting your precious child to strangers (teachers) for 6 hours a day is fine if you trust the teachers, and if you're happy with what they're teaching them..
At my school they tried to teach me useless Algebra, Technical Drawing, French, Elocution, Woodwork, Metalwork, Chemistry etc but it made me depressed because I wasn't interested, so I was expelled and was glad to go.
I learnt all I needed to know from my books and encyclopaedias, I didn't need teachers..:)
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