Internet & return...


FGM Major
Nov 7, 2009
Reaction score
Hello Guys,

if no new problems with the internet provider appear I´m online from the coming tuesday on. I´m not sure whether I can playing CM instantly but I hope so. The mandatory break was too long.
I´ll try to finish my article about the NVA and some other stuff - at least all what I had started before. If there is anything blurry or undetermined let me know and I will do my best to bring it to a neatly finish.

So long, Comrades!
Thanks Ted! I suppose my next bursts are of longer constancy. Most of my problems are solved and I can spare some time for CM and FGM again. And I wasn´t lazy over the time - I´ve overhauled some of my scenarios and maps, create a few new ones - and last but not least - working on my first own CM-tournament. But the last one will need some time. And the best is: It seems as I had found premises for my own martial arts studio. Hope this isn´t a fake again. For the next time I´ll working for a security company - but only to get a little more money for the time I´ve to restore the premises. I met an old classmate/fellow who was training with the same trainer as me. We thinking about a consolidation of our classes and our "schools". So, this was the most important at a glance.

And now I´ve to tank. The temperature is over 30 centigrade and the weather fabulous. Hope Britain is fine too!
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