Interview with Max Hastings on his book "Nemesis, Battle For Japan"

I don't like "Red Max" Hastings and never have done because of his lefty views, and neither do a lot of other people, just google around.
His predictable writing tactic is to slip in bits of sly propaganda somewhere along the line.
For example in a newspaper article last year he said although Churchill was a great war leader, he was furious when America entered the war and stole his thunder. What garbage!
And he was in hot water again for hinting Aussie troops were mutinous wimps-

WIKI- "In his 2007 book Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 1944-45 (also known as Retribution in the United States), the chapter on Australia's role in the last year of the Pacific War was criticised by the Returned and Services League of Australia and one of the historians at the Australian War Memorial for exaggerating discontent in the Australian Army during this period"
Ah but a proper historians job is not to "make people happy", but to simply tell the truth..:)
But many authors such as Red Max "jazz up" the truth or downright distort it to make it more "interesting" to their readers so they'll sell more books, it happens all the time in the publishing world.
We're used to poms looking down their collective noses, and making up stories about us. :) That's how we started this great country.
Ah but a proper historians job is not to "make people happy", but to simply tell the truth..:)
But many authors such as Red Max "jazz up" the truth or downright distort it to make it more "interesting" to their readers so they'll sell more books, it happens all the time in the publishing world.

Have you read any of his books?
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