Is this the promised land ?

  • Thread starter Bert Blitzkrieg
  • Start date

Bert Blitzkrieg

"Unlike most other states, Wyoming does not levy an individual or corporate income tax. In addition, Wyoming does not assess any tax on retirement income earned and received from another state. Wyoming has a state sales tax of 4%." (source Wikipedia)
Compared to Connecticut, it sure sounds like the promised land.
Well it could also be future coastal frontage, once California and a couple of other states side into the ocean.
"Unlike most other states, Wyoming does not levy an individual or corporate income tax. In addition, Wyoming does not assess any tax on retirement income earned and received from another state. Wyoming has a state sales tax of 4%." (source Wikipedia)

They have got it right with not taxing retirement pension, i think that if you are prepared to work over retirement age it should be tax free, assuming one as worked all there life, this as the affect that you won't draw benfeits from the goverment.
Gov't has to get money from somewhere. Texas has no state income tax but we pay one helluva property tax.
They have got it right with not taxing retirement pension, i think that if you are prepared to work over retirement age it should be tax free, assuming one as worked all there life, this as the affect that you won't draw benfeits from the goverment.

The other tax that really frosts me is the inheritance tax. After working all your life, playing by the rules, and paying all your taxes your reward is to pay even more taxes. Instead of being able to pass the results of a successful life on to loved ones whoever you desire to leave them to, you have to pay Big Brother first.
We have no income taxes of any kind, we have 4% sales tax( although counties often impose an additional 1%), we have the lowest overall fuel taxes of any state, and our property taxes are among the lowest in the country.

Until a year ago, we had the lowest unemployment rate in the US and we require a balanced budget. Deficit spending is not allowed. We even have a massive state emergency fund that has never been used that has a balance around $4 billion dollars. (Those are real dollars, not imaginary ones like the other states spend). Any politician suggesting that the state dip into those funds is risking a quick exit out of public office.

Republicans out number Democrats 2 to 1. I believe there are 41 Republicans in the state house compared to 19 Democrats. My Wyoming motto, " Welcome to Wyoming, leave your liberal baggage behind."
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