Have been doing some thinking while working on Normandy Campaign and battling Cargol in the first version of Island War I've been wondering if I should expand this into a relatively simple and fun 2 or 3 player-a-side fictional campaign.


The Island is split between two warring states, the Western Republic (Allies) and the Eastern Empire (Axis).

For battles we will use CMAK -- all battles will be 1000 pts Combined Arms ME battles, Random Kit pick, random maps and weather, random division type, standard rarity, small maps, 20 turns fixed -- all battles set in Dec 1944.
In forest, town and city hexes terrain-specific maps will be set.

Two types of division: Mech Inf and Armour/Panzer.
All units have only one strength level and are destroyed after everything higher than a Minor Defeat (in this case they retreat 1 hex)
In case of a DRAW status quo is retained.
Armour/Panzer Divisions attack with a 10% points bonus and a Armour Force Mix.

There is also Air Support, Artillery Support and Multi-hex attacks available.

STACKING: no stacking is allowed -- only ONE Division per hex allowed. (support counters do not count for stacking purposes)

Units can be rebuilt and or new units using Production Points (PP) which are produced by your towns and capital city.
Every turn each town produces 1 PP, the capital city 3 PP for the side that controls it -- so capturing enemy cities is very important.
Captured cities' PP's are deducted from their previous owner's production total, but are NOT added to the other side's PP total.
If a Town is RECAPTURED, it's PP's come back into production in NEXT TURN after capture.

At full strength, each side will produce 7 PP's per turn -- each side starts the campaign with a stock of 8 PP's

PP costs:

Attack: 1

Armour/Panzer Div: 2
Inf Div: 1

Arty Support: 1

Air Support: 1

Army HQ: 1

Sea Transport of Div: 2

At Start Forces:
Both sides start with 6 Inf Divisions, 1 Armoured/Panzer Div, 1 Arty Support counter, 1 Air Support counter

All units have 3 Movement Points (MP) per turn.

Movement allowances:
Clear Hex: 1 MP
Road: 0.5 MP
Forest: 2 MP
Town, Cities: 1 MP
Sea: Impassable

All units have a Zone of Control (ZOC) extending into the 6 surrounding hexes -- any enemy unit advancing into a zone of control has to stop right there.

A hex is deemed to be under the control of whatever side last had a unit positioned in it or passed through it.

Campaign will be TURN-based with each side taking turns to move and attack.

Sequence of Play:

1. NEWLY BUILT or REBUILT UNITS bought last TURN are placed on the map - not allowed to be placed in any hex in enemy ZOC or hex out of supply and are not allowed to move or take psrt in any attacks this turn.
(exception: NEW units may be placed in a Town or City hex which is in an enemy ZOC)

2. MOVEMENT PHASE - all eligible units may be moved to the limit of their 3 MP allowance. (CUT OFF units may not move)

3. ATTACK PHASE - attacks can be launched at the cost of 1 PP per attack.
Arty and Air support can be assigned one per type per attack if available.
A supporting attack by another friendly Div can be assigned which will add a 10% bonus to the attacking side.
(support units can only be added to attacking Divisions)

4. AIR BATTLE resolution - if the defender has any air units available, they are comitted to air defense one at a time and a higher die roll decides if the attacker's air support is shot down (the air unit with the lower die roll is destroyed)

5. BATTLES PHASE - the CM battle is set up and resolved.

6. POST-BATTLE PHASE - The unit suffering a higher defeat than a Minor Defeat is destroyed.
If a unit suffers a Minor Defeat, it is forced to retreat 1 hex - the WINNER may occupy the vacated hex.

7. CUT OFF UNITS - any friendly units ending the turn CUT OFF and not in a city is destroyed.

8. UNIT BUILDING PHASE - player builds NEW DIVISIONS, SUPPORT UNITS or REBUILD destroyed units to deployed next turn.


The side which captures the ENEMY CAPITAL wins!

Each side will have one CO in command -- battles will be assigned by the CO on an ad-hoc basis to players who are available.
The idea would be to have fast players involved in this -- the CO's can also take control of CM battles if so wished.

I would like to take part as there is no FOW -- and by now I should be trusted to be completely impartial when setting up the CM battles :)
Ok -- here's a redrafting of the rules and ideas for this Campaign -- hope they make sense so far...

CAMPAIGN will be TURN-based with each side taking turns to move and attack.

For battles we will use CMAK -- all battles will be 1000 pts Combined Arms MEETING ENGAGEMENT
battles, Random Kit pick, REGULAR unit quality, random maps and weather, random division type,
standard rarity, small maps, 20 turns fixed -- all battles set in Dec 1944.

In forest, town and city hexes terrain-specific maps will be set.

(I am thinking of limiting the ALLIED forces to AMERICANS as the AI has a tendency to pick a
disproportionate number of light tanks for the British & Commonwealth forces)

Two types of division: Mech Inf and Armour/Panzer.
All units have only one strength level and are destroyed after everything higher than a MINOR
DEFEAT (in case of a MINOR DEFEAT the losing unit retreats 1 hex)

In case of a DRAW status quo is retained.

ARMOUR/PANZER DIVISIONS attack with a 10% points bonus and a Armour Force Mix.

There are ARTILLERY SUPPORT and MULTI-HEX attacks available.

Axis: 1x 105mm spotter (radio), 1x 150mm spotter (radio) & 2x TRP's
Allies: 1x 105mm spotter (radio), 1x 155mm spotter (radio) & 2x TRP's

STACKING: no stacking is allowed -- only ONE Division per hex allowed. (ARTILLERY support
counters do not count for stacking purposes)

Units can be rebuilt and or new units using Production Points (PP) which are produced by your
towns and capital city.
Every turn each town produces 1 PP, the capital city 3 PP for the side that controls it -- so
capturing enemy cities is very important.
Captured cities' PP's are deducted from their previous owner's production total, but are NOT
added to the other side's PP total.
If a Town is RECAPTURED, it's PP's come back into production in NEXT TURN after capture.

At full strength, each side will produce 7 PP's per turn -- each side starts the campaign with
a stock of 8 PP's


Attack: 1

Armour/Panzer Div: 2

Inf Div: 1

Arty Support: 1

Army HQ: 1

Sea Transport of Div: 2

Both sides start with 6 Inf Divisions, 1 Armoured/Panzer Div, 2 Arty Support counters

All units have 3 Movement Points (MP) per turn.

Units that are not committed to another attack may support another friendly unit's attack on an
enemy hex. These units may only attack if they are not adjacent to enemy units, or such
adjacent units are engaged by other friendly units.
A 10% points bonus is awarded to the attacker for ONE supporting attack.
a 25% points bonus is awarded to the attacker for TWO supporting attack.

More than TWO supporting attacks per enemy hex attacked are not permitted.

Clear Hex: 1 MP
Road: 0.5 MP
Forest: 2 MP
Town, Cities: 1 MP
Sea: Impassable

All units have a Zone of Control (ZOC) extending into the 6 surrounding hexes -- any enemy unit
advancing into a zone of control has to stop right there.

A hex is deemed to be under the control of whatever side last had a unit positioned in it or
passed through it.

Units are deemed CUT OFF when they cannot trace a line of friendly hexes to a friendly town or
the capital city. Enemy ZOC's do not affect friendly hexes.

Newly built units may be placed in any friendly hex that is not cut off from the Capital City.
If an area of hexes is cut off from the capital city, but contains towns, new units may be
placed in this area for the equivalent of the PP points of those towns.
The capital city may send units to any seaside town, one at a time at an additonal cost of 2
PP's. This may happen during the placement of NEW UNITS or during the MOVEMENT PHASE. Such a
unit must start the MOVEMENT PHASE in the Capital City and may NOT move or attack from the
coastal town hex it was transferred to, but may defend normally in the next turn.


1. NEWLY BUILT or REBUILT UNITS bought last TURN are placed on the map - not allowed to be
placed in any hex in enemy ZOC or hex out of supply and are not allowed to move or take part in
any attacks this turn.
(exception: NEW units may be placed in a Town or City hex which is in an enemy ZOC)

2. MOVEMENT PHASE - all eligible units may be moved to the limit of their 3 MP allowance. (CUT
OFF units may not move)

3. ATTACK PHASE - attacks can be launched at the cost of 1 PP per attack.
Arty support can be assigned one per attack if available.
A supporting attack by another friendly Div can be assigned which will add a 10% bonus to the
attacking side.
(support units can only be added to attacking Divisions)

5. BATTLES PHASE - the CM battle is set up and resolved.

6. POST-BATTLE PHASE - The unit suffering a higher defeat than a Minor Defeat is destroyed.
If a unit suffers a Minor Defeat, it is forced to retreat 1 hex - the WINNER may occupy the
vacated hex.

7. CUT OFF UNITS - any friendly units ending the turn CUT OFF and not in a city is destroyed.

8. UNIT BUILDING PHASE - player builds NEW DIVISIONS, SUPPORT UNITS or REBUILD destroyed units to deployed next turn.


The side which captures the ENEMY CAPITAL wins!

Each side will have one CO in command -- battles will be assigned by the CO on an ad-hoc basis
to players who are available.
The idea would be to have fast players involved in this -- the CO's can also take control of CM
battles if so wished.

I would like to take part as there is no FOW -- and by now I should be trusted to be completely
impartial when setting up the CM battles :)
The key for this one is maintaining momentum -- so please, when I open it, only fast players apply with a really good turn rate -- I think we can have several players on standby as reserves and players my join in and take over battles with CO's consent and also if some players run into RL issues and slow down, they should hand over to team mates to finish battles.

Also, anyone joining must do so with right mindset -- this is hopefully a fun, fast-moving tourney with RANDOM equipment picks -- so anyone who is a real stickler for winning at all cost and buying right kit etc... this might not be for you :)
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