Israel develops a 'force field' for their armored vehicles



This is really unbelievable...A newly developed "force Field".

Like something we used to see in Sci-Fi movies when fighting aliens. One wonders if it can be done around a ship, an airplane, total invulnerability?

Trophy - It will change the battlefield in a major way. The system has been installed in over 70% of the IDF's main battle tanks and other important armored vehicles. The balance of approximately 30% will be completed in very short order. Numerous armies have indicated a very serious interest in the Trophy system, but so far, the IDF is not prepared to share the technology with anyone. Trophy - It will change the battlefield in a major way.
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From Wikipedia: Trophy (also known as ASPRO-A. Israel Defense Forces designation מעיל רוח, lit. "Windbreaker") is an active protection system (APS), designed to supplement the armor of both light and heavy armored fighting vehicles, which intercepts and destroys incoming missiles and rockets with a shotgun-like blast.
"Force fields" aren't physically possible - not like we think of them (e.g. Star Wars or Star Trek) at least. There could be some kind of protective field against cgarged particles, but that's it. For anything else you'd either have to create and incredibly strong magnetic field or - against all kinds of rays (laser, radiation etc.) a protective LAYER because you can't have a protective field against rays. Some thing simply aren't possible, no matter what we'd like.

That system is pretty interesting, though.
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