Issues with CMHelper/WTII



Hi Guys,

I've used CMhelper previously, but never encountered this problem ( that I can remember). As hard as i try, I just can't get the program to recognise first turns in my outgoing email folder.

This is only a problem when starting a new game, but incredibly infuriating. WTII is the same, no problem in moving files between my outgoing email folder and dropbox, but when I create a new game as a test (set up as 2 player email etc) neither helper finds the file.

Has anyone else had these problems? I'm running Win10 if that makes a difference.

You have to Manually place the 1st file in it, the outgoing mail folder that is

Thanks - if that's the case then it's fine, I just don't know why the option to create a Dropbox folder is contained within the programme then?
Yes you can: I end up doing this most times there is any sort of patch / upgrade, playing out games in the old version whilst starting new games in the new version ...

You need to point CMH to a "new install" of a title.

I do this by making a copy of the whole CM folder (I'm on a Mac ...) on my desktop; keep this copy as the old version, then patch the default location original to the new version. (Patches etc work best going to the default install location ...)

CMH still "sees" the default location copy as that's the one it was aware of before; you then just need to point CMH to the "new" (copied) install on (in my case) the desktop.

Old version games carry on in the desktop copy; delete all old saves etc from the patched copy, and start new games in that.

CMH will correctly deal with battles in both versions, as it sees them as separate installs and moves files in and out of them as appropriate.

I turn off CMH during this process, so that it doesn't keep trying to replace files that you want to delete: it (almost always!) "finds" everything itself again once started again, though you may have to re-link battle files to the correct dropbox folder if something goes awry.

Hope this helps ...
Thank you. This is good to know. I'm on a PC (Windows 10).
Help me understand how CMHelper tells the difference between the two versions.
  • Must you add a new "CM Installation"?
  • How do you segregate v3.12 games from v4.0 ones?

Yes, having copied your original installation and then patched / upgraded one of them, you need to use the CMH "add install" menu item to tell CMH that there is now a second copy of CMBN on your machine (name the install in CMH something specific to distinguish it);

You don't need - in CMH terms - to segregate v3.12 games from v4.0 ones ... the two copies of CMBN could, for all CMH cares, be at the same version. CMH just moves game files to and from the install of CMBN that the file is linked to.

So, a new incoming file goes to the install it is linked to (CMBN desktop or CMBN applications, say) rather than to CMBN v3.12 or to CMBN v4.0 ... CMH doesn't care which version game file it is, just which install it belongs to.

BUT: CMBN of course cares which version it is, as the files won't play in other versions. As long as you carry on playing your existing games in the v3.12 copy, and start new v4.0 games in your 4.0 copy, CMH will handle all of the transfers automatically, by reference to which install the files are linked to.

Make sense?

Happy to go through it in more detail via PM if this is too confusing ...
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