Jesus in Google Earth



Just out of curiosity, how do you know what jesus looked like? ;)
But how does anyone know? As far as i'm aware he never had a portrait of himself done during his lifetime
All we know is that he had no distinguishing features to make him instantly recognisable, and neither were his clothes anything special or fancy, that's why the snooty priests had to bribe Judas to point him out when they wanted to arrest him.
"He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him" (Isaiah 53:2)

Here's a little tale i've woven around a Bible incident in John chapter 4 involving a woman we'll call Leonora that illustrates how other people never recognised anything special in him at first sight-


Leonora had had a rough life. A string of lovers had treated her bad, and now she'd ended up with another here in this remote village in old Samaria miles from anywhere, going out of her skull with boredom and feeling as if life was passing her by.
Then her latest fancy man shouted from the other room telling her to go get some water,so she trudged wearily down the road in the sweltering heat to the well.
A few travellers who she'd never seen before were sitting there in the shade of the trees looking tired, yet good-humouredly talking among themselves, and one of them smiled and asked her in a Galileean accent to draw some water for them.
She was surprised that a Jew would talk to a Samaritan , but he chatted a bit more with her about "living water" and other matters, and about her poor track record with men who used her like a doormat.
She told him how she yearned for the bright lights of Jerusalem where things happened and where it said in the ancient scriptures the Messiah would appear, though if and when that would be, nobody knew.
She said she liked to dream what he'd be like, a warrior king maybe, in bright silver armour riding a proud white horse, and that he'd explain everything to the people once and for all.
"Huh! i'll never see the Messiah stuck out here" she said as a tear rolled down her cheek, "when i die that's it, nobody'll remember me or even know i existed, and he wouldn't want to talk to a nobody like me anyway..".
The man gently brushed away her tear with his fingertips, lifted her chin, gazed straight into her eyes and softly replied with a smile:- "I'm him. He's talking to you now"


"The woman said, "I know that Messiah" (called Christ) is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us."
Then Jesus declared, "I who speak to you am he." (John 4:26)

Another face in GE


It's perfectly ok to say that this is Jesus too.
But how does anyone know? As far as i'm aware he never had a portrait of himself done during his lifetime

Good question -- most representations of Jesus we are familiar with are far too eurocentric... he was a middle-eastern palestinian jew and probably looked more arabic/persian... dark, tanned olive skin, most likely dark brown possibly curly hair and beard and not the fair-haired, pale-skinned character represented by western European artists from the Middle Ages onwards.
..As far as i'm aware [Jesus] never had a portrait of himself done during his lifetime

We'll see well enough what he looks like when we ALL meet him mate..;)

"Sleepers in the dust of the earth shall awake...And the sea gave up the dead that were in it....Pray that you will be able to stand before the Son of Man" (Dan 12:2,Rev 20:13,Luke 21:36)

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