

Earl of Grey

The following are color profiles I've been collecting for years. They were taken from various sources and have either been found on the internet, donated by friends or scanned by myself which explains the variying quality.

Some notes beforehand:
- The most obvious mistake a lot of artists apparently make is mistaking dusty road wheels to be painted in RAL7028 Dunkelgelb. Actual color of those road wheels depends primarily on time of manufacture.
- I'll sort the profiles after units and have one post each for all respective vehicles. That way, I can always add new profiles should I find some.
- These patterns are historically accurate to a big degree (else they wouldn't be posted here). They can thus be used for modelling or wargaming purposes without second thoughts. (For interpretation of colors see below.)
- I tried to get unit, place and time correct for every profile, but that isn't always possible. Please don't regard the captions as 100% accurate, rather as a 'very likely'.
- The colors shown in these profiles are not the historical colors of the respective vehicles but only an aproximation/impression of the respective artist. The general color placement of the three colors is usually correct (as far as it can be determined), hue/saturation etc. are not.

If you have any further questions (because I might have forgotten something), feel free to ask!


- Pomerania, March 1945


- Germany 1945


- Germany 1945


- Germany 1945


- Germany, April 1945
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