June Screenshot Competition

In a Battle against Wardog, in the second minute, his main armoured attack force was wiped out with no loss to me. That move won me the game. Here are the pictures of what he faced. In the first one you can see his T-34's coming down the road into a hail of fire. The other two are the same moment from different angles.



Now he's using quite a lot - I introduced him properly. :)

Anyway, here's my entry:

Even Tiger crews need a break from time to time...
Reminds me of the monty python sketch "The art of camoflage" :) lol
Yes, mod grass, road, under tree foliage, Tigers, Stugs, SS crews and SS troops.
DD_SUMMER_GRASS for the grass and GURRA_TREE_BASES_SUMMER_CMAK_CMMOS4 for the undergrowth both from GreenAsJade's. The grass reminds me a lot of home. Dead from 20 years of drought.
Andres ambush. Here is what's left after Andre ambushes my 2 Tigers and 2 King Tigers. 2 Tigers, 1 King Tiger destroyed and King Tiger with a damaged gun.


I don't think the King Tiger will make it through the next minute. :mmph:
Johnsy, Keep your tigers as far away as possible from trees, they don't like trees : )

Anyway, here's my entry. This is in nathangun's first ever shock force game, i'd say I was a bit harsh taking out his only IFV in the second minute but that IFV had just wiped out an entire squad! : o

Yes, those Tigers are bunched together too close, correct. Did that burst any damage or were you lucky?
They were in convoy with little to no change of contact, when an aircraft drops a bomb and misses. There was one casualty, a commander. They were all unbuttoned and heard the plane and buttoned up. Then this one commander thinks "she'll be right mate" and unbuttons before the planes passes, and then buys the farm.
Berts 222 faces "Jaws". Crew is in appropriate place. Since they are on graveyard, they can just lay down and someone will bury them.

My entry for June is the shot of my Panther G, taken in Poor Old spike's Ardenne Firefight Tournament.


It has been thru photoshop...
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