Just Ordered CMSF....



.... I and I'm wondering if anyone can recommend any patches, mods etc. to download. My graphics card can play with the lowest setting but it was still fun to play the demo. Any advice would be welcome :peace:
Apply all patches you need (look on the BFC website for the correct ones) and check for mods at The Repository (BFC website) and the CM Mods Warehaouse (as usual). There aren't really any mods to recommend, it's entirely depending on what you like - I, for example, have installed all the 'Syrope' mods, making the game more look like Italy and all the vehicles and uniforms being in temperate camouflage.
There are some sound mods, lots of weapon mods (for camouflaged weapons), some terain mods and LOTs of vehicle and uniform mods. General quality is very good and even the base game looks pretty cool without any mods, so just choose.
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