Kampfgruppe Tournament!!

Sadly I have at to drop out of this Tourney because of my lack of Knowledge, meaning I haven't played many games like this, the thing that is bothering me is what to do with the map, plus adding my forces on to it, that part I am lost, the Tournament it self sound's good, choosing my forces will be OK, What I am asking is can some one who as time to walk me through the procedure, this might seem a strange thing to ask but if one asn't done it before it's like being out in the fog.......When explaining to me remember it's the old Chap you are talking to...LOL

If you are willing to guide me you can email......ej.bradbury@ntlworld.com........Or post here
Ha ha I thought I was the only one who didn't understand complicated tourneys, but now I see I'm not alone!
I haven't entered any of them for years and nowadays only play in my own ultra-simple mickey-mouse tourneys because they're the only ones I understand..:)
It is like my email explained to you. Currently, the only thing going on in the Kampfgruppe Tourney is player registration. Either tonight or tomorrow it will actually begin. It will begin by me sending out an email to all the participants with the map, some directions, a situation report and the player pairings (which will be determined randomly once registration is over). The reason you can't figure it out, is because you don't have all the information yet. No one does. The only thing that is required from the players right now is patience until the registration period ends. Simple. For now I have dropped you from the European League per your request. If you reconsider, let me know.
Lord Bane
It is like my email explained to you. Currently, the only thing going on in the Kampfgruppe Tourney is player registration. Either tonight or tomorrow it will actually begin. It will begin by me sending out an email to all the participants with the map, some directions, a situation report and the player pairings (which will be determined randomly once registration is over). The reason you can't figure it out, is because you don't have all the information yet. No one does. The only thing that is required from the players right now is patience until the registration period ends. Simple. For now I have dropped you from the European League per your request. If you reconsider, let me know.
Lord Bane

Thank's for your email which I understand that part, but I will still have to place the map in the system and enter my armour and troops on to it that for me is where it goes up the swanny......Or are you choosing and placing the the forces for us, Like POS I am inclined to go for the straight forward scenario type Tourney's....Having said that I thought i should have ago at some thing a little different....confused.com
Don't get discouraged before the first shot is fired Hedge! Ha ha! I have not played at all in a few months now. I do not have much of a clue myself yet on this tourney. I reckon i will figure it all out on the fly. Hang in there! It should be fun and I am sure it will be interesting. I know I will likely hit some bumps trying to sort this thing out too. I am trusting that more of it will make sense once Bane moves us beyond the registration....well....I hope so anyway....ummmmm....i should probably read all thos roolz and stuff he has posted again too....yep.....nooooooo problemo.....:lol:
Don't get discouraged before the first shot is fired Hedge! Ha ha! I have not played at all in a few months now. I do not have much of a clue myself yet on this tourney. I reckon i will figure it all out on the fly. Hang in there! It should be fun and I am sure it will be interesting. I know I will likely hit some bumps trying to sort this thing out too. I am trusting that more of it will make sense once Bane moves us beyond the registration....well....I hope so anyway....ummmmm....i should probably read all thos roolz and stuff he has posted again too....yep.....nooooooo problemo.....:lol:

Yes I think you are right matey, it's just me with my limited knowledge,
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