Kerry under fire



IMO, if large number of the Soldiers that you went to war with come out against you, that says a lot about you. I believe his men. Especially since when he came back to the US he was a critic against the war in such a way as it brought dishonor to the military. He is just another useless liberal and is part of the problem.
Lord Bane
When he later became a Democrat politician John Kerry voted in the Senate against many weapon systems which later went on to be powerful jewels in Americas defence -
The armoured Bradley troop carrier. Perhaps he preferred US troops to patrol Baghdad in flimsier jeeps and Humvees?
Patriot missile - excellent medium-range SAM.
B-2 Spirit stealth bomber - worlds best strategic bomber.
Aegis SAM warship - worlds best defence vessel.
F/A-18 Hornet- Firstclass carrier fighter-bomber, flies into the enemies back yard.

The British equivalent of the Democrats is our Labour Party, for example when they first came to power 50 years ago the first thing they did was to cancel the highly-advanced TSR-2 fighter-bomber which was on the drawing boards, it could have penetrated to Moscow at low level, undetected.
And whenever they've been in power ever since, they've sold our armed forces short, keeping them under-funded and poorly-equipped right up to the present day; the Brit media is always full of stories about how our troops in Afgh are having to get by with a shortage of helo's, shortage of good vehicles, shortage of body armour etc etc..
In my experience, most combat veterans are reluctant to speak publicly of their experience except in cases where they are correcting falsehood or misinformation. I am inclined to believe those who served with and under Kerry. Their are many who came out against him and their stories are too remarkably similar to make me think they aren't telling the truth.
How can anybody believe any politician these days? Combat veterans don't speak publicly of their experience. If they do willingly, a lot of the time it is an understatement of what happened or exaggeration. With a politician it will be the latter.
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