Ladder Game


Gio anni

Hi all
I am open to one more ladder game. I would prefer 2 simmetrical QB for fairness, but I am veryesay going. Most of the time 1 turn a day or more.
Fun first and foremost! In fct even if it is not ladder no problem at all...
I can do a mirrored QB :). And also like it to be a ladder game. What do you have in mind? Meeting Engagement? Attack or maybe better a Probe (attacks are favoring the attacker to much). And please let's have it at least medium size if you have no objections...
A medium probe is perfectly fine. A pleasure to play you. If you want you can set ip up yourself, just make it nice! I have H2hh and dropbox. Or if you prefer I'll set up something and invite you.
Great! Its also a pleasure for me. Please do me a favor Gio anni and set this up for us. I will take anything you come up with. Do you want any house rules ? I at least suggest standard or strict rarity and somehow believable force selection. No things like just heavy artillery or "mortar only Battallions" and a few scouts to mop up any surviving stragglers :). But I guess you also prefer a interesting game over a gamey one :).
Absolutely. I'll do that tomorrow and I will be very credibale in my force selection. I'll invite you to a new bropbox folder as soon as it is ready.
I have all base games and all modules. So feel free to choose what ever you like :)
Good map Giovanni. Should be interesting. Some last questions. What difficulty settings did you choose? And I am a bit suprised about the unit purchase points. For the attacker it is about 2875. Normally this should be around 3000? Not that it matters much but what where you exact settings to achieve that?
BTW: although playing a lot CM I never played the Brits in a QB so please be patient as I will need some time to set this up :). After that I have a pretty good turn rate at least 1 turn a day!
I have handicapped attackers 10% from the setting menu to make it more balanced. Elite level. Take all the time you need!
First of all: Thanks for your patience :). It took me a while to find the time to do all necessary things to set the game up. Finally we are ready to fight and from now on my turn rate will be much much faster :).
Good luck Giovanni and have an entertaining fight!
You too! My arty fired by itself! And I thought it was your ... Well my man have to fight even harder now...
In the battle were you are defending? Are you sure it was your Arty? I had a Linear Fire mission on the hedgerow and then there was falling lead out of the sky in a wide area pattern. I first thought I accidentally bought some green artillery and these were firing wild and blind. But if it was your Artillery that would make sense :).
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