Legacy "Call of Duty Game of the Year" and Windows 10


One of the Few
I have finally left the 20th Century behind me and embraced the 21st instead. This meant upgrading to a more robust gaming PC with a Windows 10 o/s. The Luddite in me still enjoys a number of legacy games. I've successfully installed "Call of Duty Game of the Year" (circa 2003) from CD with key without any patches. However, the game fails to run. No errors occur. Changing "compatibility mode" provides no solution. The same holds true for "Call of Duty United Offensive" and "Call of Duty 2".
I've done some online research but am leery of the "no CD hacks" solutions. Has anyone in this august company of gamers encountered this (or similar) problems? How can I solve this? Thank you for any and all suggestions.
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I was able to accomplish the success required. It wasn't as painful as a root canal nor as futile as getting a date with Kate Upton. Still, a day's intended for gaming wound up being spent as a day of research and trouble-shooting. In the end, I downloaded the No-CD patches from GameBurnWorld to make these work.

GameBurnWorld - Game Fixes No-CD patches at URL = http://www.gameburnworld.com/pcgamefixesc.shtml
These are small patches which enable you to patch your game and play it without the CD in the drive. These Game Fixes are called No-CD patches. I downloaded the ones for Single Player modes.

Call of Duty - installed the game with no patches; used the CallofDutyv1.0NoCDFixedexeEng
  1. Within "Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition" folder
  2. Renamed application file "CoDSP" to CoDSP with disk"
  3. Extracted and copied GameBurnWorld "CoD2SP"
Call of Duty United Offensive - installed the game with no patches; used the CallOfDutyUnitedOffensive1.0NoCDFixedexeEng
  1. Within "Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition" folder
  2. Renamed application file "CoDUOSP" to CoDUOSP with disk"
  3. Extracted and copied GameBurnWorld "CoDUOSP"
Call of Duty 2 - installed the game with no patches but had to use the CallOfDuty2v1.3NoDVDFixedexeEng. It seems my DVD version of the game came with Patch 3 already applied.
  1. Within "Activision / Call of Duty 2" folder
  2. Renamed application file "CoD2SP_s" to CoD2SP_s with disk"
  3. Extracted and copied GameBurnWorld "CoD2SP_s"
The games all now load successfully and let you play.

I earn my living in IT project management. I find hacking worrisome and piracy criminal. In this case the executable at GameBurnWorld still requires a legally loaded game with all the game folders and components in order to work. The No-CD fix appears to bypass the Windows KB3086255 update (and others like it). This allowed these legacy games to load and play on Windows 10. I only wish the game company itself, in this case Activision, would have made this easier for us to do.

For those Win10 users who want to run legacy games, look for the No-CD patches applicable to the games you're trying to run. Good luck and good gaming.
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