Links / Downloads Section


Staff member
Nov 5, 2009
Reaction score
Guys I do believe the new Links / Downloads Section is ready to go. feel free to pop in and add your own links in the relevant categories. Please do attach an image as it gives members an idea of what is in there.

Go and have a play about and see if you guys can grasp it without me having to do a walkthru. I do believe it is all pretty self explanatory.

Once a file is uploaded a link is automatically created in the forum advising of the new addition to the Link/Download area.

It is in its basic form just now. It has a lot of potential for other uses but Im happy at present to open it up as it is stable.

Do not upload any already uploaded files from the Downloads Section (Old one) as I will do that tomorrow.

Lets make this area a success and add links etc you think would interest our members.
Looks good. I just added a link, hoping to add a few more tonight.
Ok guys... Im still getting to grips with the various sections within this area. Some ideas please as to the topics to have in the websites section. Whats missing, needs rewording, needs added etc.

Your views are important.
I posted a few modeling links, maybe a modeling section to go along with the modeling section here on the forum?
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