List of absent Players



As of course of different reasons players are not available for some time, wouldn't it be nice to have a consolidated list of absent players? Right now these informations are scattered all over different sub-forums, personal PMs and even the chat window. Sometimes the thread topics don't even let you guess that someone is informing about a leave.

I am always glad to know who is not there for some time and having this information in a single thread or something like a "pinboard" that would be very handy. Not just for the ones waiting for turns also for the ones beeing away I guess. One single place where to share the info.

What are you Gentlemen thinking of this?
Gentlemen: I've been away, and now, I'm back. :D

Strachwitz & Mad Mike:
I sincerely hope we can get our Counter Attack 2v2 game rolling soon after Normandy Patches to the latest Game Engine.
I now have a new Graphics Card which, among other things, has put me out of action for a few months.
Great news WynnterGreen! I am really glad you are back into the CM business :).
And of course I am still eager to play the Attack 2v2!
Brilliant idea Strachwitz.

And just fyi I have just posted that I am away now for a week - so catch up with you again after that!
Hey guys! Great to see you back Wynnter and Strachwitz still around! I've been having a break myself due to real life reasons and some other stuff but I'm definately ready to play the 2v2 as soon as the patch arrives, so count me in :) If you want to make it a CMRT game right now I also would not mind.
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