LMS-2: Round 2

To move things along, I have decided to do the Draw for ROUND 2 (see previous post) and wait for the winner of the Round 1 battle between mTk and Nort to the play me in Round 2.

This way, the other battles can still get started this week... I can probably send out the scenario files this evening or tomorrow morning.

Since most players are much faster then me (I manage on average 1 file per week) I think it is a wise move to start the other games. Perhaps I will finish at about the same time as the match #4....
Scenario sent out to Lord Bane, Bert Blitzkrieg and cargol to start up.

The scenario is set in April 1945 in Austria as Waffen SS Panzer troops desperately try and hold up Russian armour bypassing Vienna at a hastily thrown up blocking position at the village of Schinkelheim. The initial defenders consist of a few Flak guns (incl. some 88's) and attached troops, while panzer support is rushing to up to help from a refuelling point in the rear and should arrive piecemeal between turns 6 and 10.
The main section of the Russian armoured column also is closing up to join the attack and also scheduled to arrive around turn 10.

Please let me know if your games have started ok.
I got your email. Have to warn you and Mikey that I am working all weekend and will probably not get the setup done until Sunday night or Monday.
Lord Bane
Haven't heard from Alikchi for a while... Slow turnrate. We're only at turn 3 or omthing like that..
Mikey (Rus) vs Bane (Ger)
Mikey Tactical Victory


Area fire to kill the 88's, Smoke and left hook to flank the JPz IV's, Double pincer to mop up the Pz IV's.

Good Game Lord Bane.

P.S. Say Rico, how big is this scenario?
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