LMS 2: ROUND 3, Semifinals


Here's the draw for the Last Man Standing Semifinals:

MATCH 1: Bert Blitzkrieg vs Nort

MATCH 2: Mikey vs Cargol

I will send out the scenario files as soon as they are ready.
Congratulations to our last four men still standing in this gruelling tourney.
Ok, the scenario file has been sent out -- CARGOL and NORT to start up the battles.

It's a fiendish scenario, even if I say so myself :)


A battle in a bombed out and burning industrial area bisected by a concrete-lined shallow canal crossed by several bridges... each side ordered to capture a bridgehead across this canal and capture the factories and slag heaps on the other side.
Both sides bring on extra heavy SP guns as reinforcements within first few turns (Brummbaers, SU-122 and 152's).
Both sides have one dive bomber as air support as well.

Hope this one works out as I intended and will be a lot of fun to play.

This'll sort out the last two men standing and see if Mikey will be able to defend his title.
Massive Chaos and Carnage on Cargol's side of river...


2 PLts of Beautiful Brumbars, a pair of AA HT's, and a Plt of SMG Inf were under this hellish hailstorm. Bad Luck chaps.
Yeah, the effect was terrible and most probably will decide this game.
Nothing worse than a game being decided by pure luck.
Nothing much has happened so far in our game. Perhaps only thing to mention is that at the end of turn 1 suddenly a building (heavy) popped up on the middle bridge...
????... how did that happen? What are you smoking, Bert? I definitely didn't put one there????

Ya, I noticed it too... It seems to flicker in and out from some turns to the next... Really weird... I tried loading a few old files to get a screenshot, but It didn't pop up in those turns...

If it pops up again in later turns Ill post a screenshot..

It wont affect the games tactically whatsoever.
Ya, I noticed it too... It seems to flicker in and out from some turns to the next... Really weird... I tried loading a few old files to get a screenshot, but It didn't pop up in those turns...

If it pops up again in later turns Ill post a screenshot..

It wont affect the games tactically whatsoever.

I'll go test play the scenario and see what it could be... very strange.
????... how did that happen? What are you smoking, Bert? I definitely didn't put one there????

Very many years has gone by since I smoked that kind of stuff. No, I am not seeing things. Nort saw it to form his side. Don't think th ebridge was passable by tanks anyway, so don't think it wil do much to gameplay. Provide a little cover for the infantry perhaps if it tries to kill itself by advancing to th eother side of the canal.

Uh-oh... Following the destruction of Cargol's column, further unfortune as his dive bomber gets shot down without a scratch to my own Russians.

It must be the rabbit's foot in my pocket....
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