Looking for a CMBN/CMFI oppo



Hi all,

I'm looking for two or three new games of CMBN and CMFI.

Here a list of some smallish scens I haven't tried. (I'd like to play the whole battle before v3 comes along.) I can always do one turn a day, often more than that. I prefer Elite difficulty and use CM Helper.

Care for one of these?

CW The Bridge at Varaville
CW Ubique
MG Bridge Number Seven

GL Venafro Back Into Hell
The Hills Have Eyes
TWC Right Hook at Valguarnera

Would you like to play GL Venafro Back Into Hell?
Let's do it, Bill! I'll put a setup in the Dropbox we were using before.

When I look there, I realize we have some games we never got moving. Let's do this one instead.

Venafro is now in the box.
Great! I'll be on it this afternoon.

I'm using H2HH/CMH. Do you prefer notification of turns here?
I would be happy to play a CMBN game, tho have not got market garden. This will be my first CMBN PBEM game so you might have to help me through the set up e.g. drop box, what is H2HH/CMH?

CMH is "CM Helper," the successor to H2HH or "Head-to-Head Helper." It's a great utility for automatically keeping track of your CM games and up/downloading the files to a shared Dropbox folder. It means you don't have to email turn files (which can be very large) and you don't have to send notifications when you've done a turn. CMH automates the whole process and tells your opponent whenever a turn is ready.

You can find the link to CMH here: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=114895

Do you have Dropbox already? If not, you can sign up for it here: https://www.dropbox.com/

Let me know if you want to play this way, and we can pick a scenario.
Have you played Les Charne, it look well balanced at 6/0/7 and is 45 turns long?
I haven't played it. Let's do!

What's your email address? I'll set up a shared Dropbox for us.
OK. I've created a dropbox and sent the link to your email address.

I put an initial setup in the box with you as Germans. If you prefer Americans, just let me know.
It should work pretty easily. If you setup CMH correctly, it will notice all the games in your incoming/outgoing mail folders. Then right click on a game and "edit game" to tell CMH where the Dropbox folder for our game is located.
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