Looking for a CMFB Game


Will S

So I have just installed the Final Blitz and would love to have some of my initial combat with another person!
I would be into a medium size QB meeting engagement on a map with ample room to maneuver as well as playing any scenario that comes with the game (except huge ones).

Be nice to play someone I haven't gone up against before (which is most of y'all)! I'm a newer player in the H2H realm but I put up a good fight and could probably get a reference or two if that entices any of you more experienced players to take up this offer! Any Takers?
If your up for a challenge I can provide you one :)
I've broken up the CMFB campaign scenarios so we can play them if you like? They are not really for H2H but that can even prove to be a nice challenge.

So what do you say partner? Shall I hook you up with a scenario? I'll play Germans (as the name suggests) from the Peiper campaign
Sure Dutch I'm game for that, but I do have a question. Why do you prefer playing a campaign scenario not designed for H2H instead of ones that are? I do know that AI limitations lead to force configurations that could become very unequal in a H2H match. Depending upon objectives for victory, etc, I could see that potentially leading to a very lopsided battle. I'm fine with a challenge, but I don't want to be set up for failure from the start. Send over what you're thinking though and I'll take a look.
Don't worry mate I'll fix us up with something good. I'm Always in for a fair fight. And if someone loves being on the challenging side it is me :D
I choose the Road to Willtz scenario. It is desigend for H2H. Dropbox is up. Have fun mate
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