Looking for a CMFB or CMBN game


Will S

Anyone want to take up a match? I've been playing a lot of meeting engagements and am looking to mix it up a bit. I'd like to play a probe, either on the FB Foy map, or one of the BN market garden maps. I'd also be up for a scenario if someone has one to suggest.

Side preference, offense/defense doesn't matter to me. Give a shout if you're interested. Thanks!
I´m up for Market garden. I got no prference on sides either.
Let me hear from you.
Right on. I haven't played Germans much recently so I'll take Axis. I'll leave you the choice to defend or attack. I'll find us a good map and set up a probe. I was thinking medium, but would be fine with a large also. Hit you with a message and dropbox link when it's set.
I would be up for another game in the BN Market side of the war. If you got room for another, set on up. I am not particular to side, size or map.
Right on. I haven't played Germans much recently so I'll take Axis. I'll leave you the choice to defend or attack. I'll find us a good map and set up a probe. I was thinking medium, but would be fine with a large also. Hit you with a message and dropbox link when it's set.
Sounds good. Looking forward to it : )
Catgh, I think I could handle another one. I'll find something that looks fun, probably be a medium battle/probe. I am playing axis defending against Wastemoreland, so if it's okay with you I will take Allied and attack on our match just for variety. I'll send you a message when I have something set.
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