Looking for a CMFI opponent



Hi all,

I'd like to get a CMFI battle going. I'm at CMFI/GL 3.0 and prefer H2HH and Iron difficulty, at least one turn per day. I can do ladder or not, as you prefer, and I can take either side.

Here are some scenarios I haven't played:
GL King Ludwig
GL The Winter of Our Discontent
GL Veni Vidi Vici

Let me know if you're interested!
Great, thanks! You are in the process of clobbering me in our CMBN game, so we can use the same folder. I'll put in a setup later this evening, and post a note here then.
OK, I've posted "The Winter of Our Discontent" to the Dropbox.
Let's the do the ladder unless we decide that it's terribly unbalanced or something.
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