Looking for a CMRT opponent


Ale Dem

Hello all,

I'm rather newbie of the game, I have played a couple of CMBN scenarios 1-2 years ago and now I'd like to retry this game, I only own RT

because BN doesn't run on Win 8.1 but I'd like to play this theatre anyway.

I just end the Training Campaign (succesfully completed if matters) and played Dead of Night, all the rest is pretty new to me :D

PBEM only, I can guarantee 4-5 turns per week.

Thanks in advance!
happy to join the fight - I'm new too
Choose a h2h scenario and send it over - probably best to use h2h helper
let me know if you need a hand with it
Hello Ade,

very quick answer!

I don't know the H2H helper, can you enlighten me, please?

About scenario, I would start from a small one, maybe simultaneously?
I have initiated a game - from the demo - tankovyi desent - you are the axis defending
Dropbox works well and on cm helper (sorry not h2h helper) easy to manage.

Read the guidance notes within the zip - if you need more explanation, juust ask

Ok, now I understand how to handle this program.

Scenario is fine, never played.

Are you willing to play the same scenario with the side inverted simultaneously?
I guess is a good way to learn the game.
well you are on the defence - and you will do a good job - good way to learn the game.
Game started with Ade670 but I have room for another one, of course I'd like to play against another player because more different opponents better chance to improve my game skills.

CMRT, small scenario to start.
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