Looking for a CMRT Opponent



Hi all,

New to the club but I've been playing wargames for far too long!

Looking for either German or Ruskie opponents - any map/size etc.

Let me know if anyone has any slots!


I'm new here too and would be happy with you I'll play, for me this site as well as any type of combat. I use dropbox and H2HH
Ready for a medium size battle. Elite level. Any side is ok. Would like high turn rate (2/3 or more each day)
Hello, if interested i am reday for CMRT PBEM game, i have CM helper 1.6.2 and dropbox
prefer Russian side, small to medium size meeting...
Hello, if interested i am reday for CMRT PBEM game, i have CM helper 1.6.2 and dropbox
prefer Russian side, small to medium size meeting...

Great. I'll send you a turn either tonight or tomorrow day time!
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