Looking for a fight!



Looking for a QB or two. Any game, any settings! Message me and we can set something up. Ladder or not whichever you prefer!
Hi HauptmannKyle!

Pretty crap at force selection!

How about CMBN Nulli Secundus? I have not played either side. You can choose the side you want to play.


Hey @Lethal2615 , I just realized (upon trying to load the save) that Nulli Secundus is a battle pack scenario! Unfortunately I don't have the BP. Just the core games and all modules. If you want to pick another I'd be glad to give it a go!
sounds good man, you seemed excited to defend so I can be the attacker again!
Ok, sucker for punishment, always found defending difficult, so only way to get better is play defence!
Using the same Dropbox as previously sent - did you receive the invite?
Le Desert 001 waiting for you!
Sounds good, I need to work on attacking so this should be good for us both! I am just at a family reunion for today but can play a turn tonight
Hi to both of you. Are you interested in CMRT too? like studienka or Angriff for instance? Online game? I live i UTC +4 timezone
Hello Bruno,
How many H2H games have you played?
The scenarios you mention take a lot of perseverance to complete, especially if you are on the receiving end!
I have some games going at the moment so unable to start another. I would consider a longer scenario after you prove your reliability with average ones.
You would not believe how many new players get here, play 10 turns, find themselves on the losing side and disappear!
There are plenty of players here who can stick it out, but, you have to prove your credentials.
Sorry about being blunt. I hope you enjoy your time here. Start small and build is my advice, for what it is worth,
No offense intended.
Hi I understand, very frustrating and un-australian and un-french (respectively) :p to drop someone in the middle of a game because the odds arent favorable to you.
I have never played H2H in the new CM (I did a few times the old one, but in online turn based mode).
You want PBEM or via internet? Whenever you are available and to save time, plz pick up the game of your choice, small is fine to start with, and let me know
Offense not taken.
Hi everyone,
I would be interested in a PBEM red thunder game, any scenario or quick battle, just give me a shout!
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