Looking for a film....



Looking for a film on the Norwegian Resistance Raid on a power plant being used by the Germans to produce heavy water . The film is Norwegian, came out in 1948 and is titled "Kampen om tungtvannet" , translated into "The Battle For Heavy Water". From what I've read on IMDB it is part action movie, part documentary, and stars some of the resistance fighters who actually took part in the raid. The film was remade in 1965 under the title "The Heroes Of Telemark". I couldn't find either title on Netflix and was just wondering if anyone was familiar with these movies and knew where I might be able to obtain a copy.

Here is the IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0040504/
Thanks for that, I will definitely check it out. May have to watch it on Youtube though as I can't find it on Netflix or Amazon.
Did a "little" digging. "Heroes of Telemark" was released on VHS by Columbia Pictures Home Video, sometime in the 1990s. A DVD version was released in the UK by Carlton Visual Entertainment, in 2003. There are also Greek, Finnish and German DVD versions.

Netflix does not carry it, perhaps because it is not a US DVD release. Ebay does have VHS copies available, also soundtrack (vinyl), posters, and DVDs.
Did a "little" digging. "Heroes of Telemark" was released on VHS by Columbia Pictures Home Video, sometime in the 1990s. A DVD version was released in the UK by Carlton Visual Entertainment, in 2003. There are also Greek, Finnish and German DVD versions.

Netflix does not carry it, perhaps because it is not a US DVD release. Ebay does have VHS copies available, also soundtrack (vinyl), posters, and DVDs.

Thanks for that. I did find some copies of this on Amazon but apparently it was a cheap knockoff with audio and video quality so poor that it was basically un-watchable. If I could get this for a cheap price on ebay, I would be willing to take a chance on it.

It is supposed to be a great war movie. It stars Kirk Douglas and Richard Harris. I would still love to find the original Norwegian version as well.
Ebay had a VHS (I believe) for aboout $6 US.

Excellent, the ones advertised on Amazon were DVD's. The reviews stated that it looked like they were ameteurishly converted to disc from VHS and that the quality was terrible. The eagle screams tomorrow, so maybe I will try and purchase one.
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