Looking for a first CMx2 game


FGM Captain
Hello all,

Although I have decent PBEM experience for CMx1, I have yet to try it for CMx2 and would like to work through any Dropbox and CM helper newbie issues I have before the Drums of War tourney. I believe that I have it all set up with CM helper 1.6.3, and have CMBN (all modules and upgrades), CMFI / GL (same) and CMRT.
I would like to play a small to medium scenario (no QBs yet) to make sure I am good to go. Any side, any game. Can someone (with possibly a little patience) set it up and send an invite?
Much appreciated!
Have you had anyone take you up on a game yet?

If you are still looking, I'm OK to start one ... I too have CMH, dropbox, and all of the games / modules ...
OK, got the DB invite and accepted it.

This should (?) just be a password turn for me to complete, so I'll do that ASAP and send file 002 back ...

I note that you are in the US; I'm in the UK, so there will be 8 hours (? to West coast US) time difference between us.
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