Looking for a game via H2HH



Hello, I'm looking for some games to play. I prefer to play using H2HH I think its a great little tool and helps me stay organized.

I have both CMBN and CMFI with every module. So if your interested please email me to share a dropbox folder.

Also is there someone who can explain the ladder system to me. Its a bit confusing and I would like to play competitively. Is there a thread that goes over how it works.
Hi there, I'm up for a game via H2HH if you are still interested? My email is available via the envelope icon on my ID panel.

I'm OK to play a ladder game too, but ... I've only tried to play 3, and of those 2 have shown ladder problems - i.e. the mechanics (though I could have performed better too :)). I have almost given up on it as a result.

You need to register for the ladder - fairly straightforward. Then you can challenge me, or anyone else. I accept the challenge, and we go away and play our game as we wish, then report our result when we finish. It is the report bit that has gone wrong for me twice, including once the challenge just vanishing.

But happy to try again if you really want to!

I have all games/modules/latest patches. You want to choose something?
I'm not sure if I did it right but for whatever reason I had to create a team? Not to worried bout the ladder though.

I will send u file when I get home shortly
Yep, you always have to create a "team" first, even if it's just you! I didn't / don't get that bit either.

AFAIK most (all?) people play on the ladder individually, not sure what the "team" thing is there to provide for anyway ...

Look forward to getting the file ...
Hello Reaper28,

Is 28 the number of souls you have reaped?

Would you like to reap mine?

As for the ladder a manual is in the works which is @Fredrocker domain.
Thanks @Bill ... though straight forward there are some procedures to ensure a great experience... should be published by the ides of March...
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