Looking for a large ladder battle.



Anybody interested in a large ladder QB in CMBN or CMRT? I am flexible as it comes to the setup details.
I'm interested - send me over whatever you think sounds interesting. Would prefer CMBN but either is fine.
@Fuchs, old chap! :D How are you doing?

I recently found an interesting map in the FGM's scenario depot for a CMRT Russian attack that we could play even with a "huge" army and 2:00 hours, i you like.

Can I send you the QB setup (mirrored)? If you don't like the map we can find another, of course.

About the rules:

1.) I would like to play with the "Wynnter Green's Tank Rule" as it is not much fun to face
two or three Tigers, Panthers etc. (Rule says: We buy three "normal/medium" tanks (Panzer IV, T-34 etc.) before buying one "big tank" (Tiger, KT, Panther, Elefant, IS-1, IS-2 etc.), so relation is 3:1.

2.) And no pre-planned arty into the attacker's setup zone.

Rarity "strict" and difficulty "elite", day, clear.

Does this sound good? :cool:
Hi Shorker, good to hear from you again! Huge CMRT battle? How could I deprive myself of such pleasure :) PLease send the setup.
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