Looking for a PBEM game CMFI-GL, CMBN



I m new to PBEM gaming so I need to test CMhelper and dropbox. I m looking for a experienced player to play small to medium QB or scenario CMFI with GL module, who also can help me with CM helper and dropbox if I mess something up.
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I am your huckleberry.... Send my email a dropbox invite and we can go from there... I can help you get through CMHelper, etc
Ok got invite, I will setup a small QB Meeting engagement to get started.... and I will place the file in the DB folder and we can go from there... plus there are two jpg fils out there that explains some of CMHelper... :)
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this week i m off from work so i m open for few more battles as in title CMFI GL eventually CMBS
Hi Spidey,
I'll send you an invite for FI:GL scenario: Elephants and Tigers, Medium, Allied Probe, 1 hour
I would like to take the Axis as I'm trying to figure out how to defend better! - not doing a good job so far!
Have not played this scenario.

Could you update your profile to include your email address - notice in other users the small white envelope icon.
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