Looking for a really Huge battle on one of the master maps.



The editor will have to be used to place set up zones, choose units and possible objectives.

All parameters are open for discussion.

Above all it has to be playable and realistic.
I did a massive battle vs @Strachwitz (12k each). You could ask him if he is interested. I'm normaly also in for battle's like these but I'm kinda busy with the organisation for Domination and I'm working on some other (future) stuff.
Awesome indeed.

Huge battle plays a lot differently from a smaller battle.
Hi Bill!
Are you still up for a monster battle on a master map? I will be back online in a few days and would love to get a big battle rolling :)
I agree with that. As I still have limited access to my computer for the next days what do you think about choosing a master map, paint the setup zones and a few victory locations. I propose 3 VLs approximately on the middle axis of the map with 100 points each. And 1 on either side toward the own setup zone (not too deep but clearly in the own side) with 300 points each. This could be an incentive to go deep into enemy territory and not just fighting in the middle of the map. I then will have a look and give my go or express concerns.
Bags not recording another big engagement. I think my Graphics Card is still cooling off from the 12k pt game. :D But yes definitely puts the skills of a CM player to the test trying to coordinate such an expansive force. I'd just advise make sure the map is big enough for your forces to have the ability to maneuver.

@Dutch Grenadier - Wondered if Jerry had decided to bug out in the face of an irresistible Tommy advance across Holland. ;) Whenever you're ready I'll keep our game files handy.
Wondered if Jerry had decided to bug out in the face of an irresistible Tommy advance across Holland. ;) Whenever you're ready I'll keep our game files handy.

Oeps I totally forgot about that one :oops:
Do you want to continue or shall we pick up a new battle? CMRT perhaps?
Ok, will paint the zones and victory locations.

Dropbox invite sent.
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