Looking for a small to medium size battle opponent



Hi guys,

I'll introduce myself a bit first as the FGM moderators have suggested:

I'm new here and I've never played a human opponent before.

I work for a web design agency from my home office in the United Kingdom. I ride and own an ex racehorse. I also re-enact the British 15th Hussars - check it out here 15th Light dragoons

I have the following stuff:
  1. Dropbox up and running
  2. h2hh
  3. V2.12 installed
  4. CMBN and Arnhem (but not the commonwealth pluggin)
I'm not sure if this is considered good our bad, but I can play 1 or 2 moves per day during my lunch break and maybe another in the evening. Weekends are more difficult.

If the above sounds reasonable I'd like to accept "Hang Fire" on his offer since he mentioned support between turns.

So, what next? How do we find a suitable map that neither of us have played? I'd prefer something with approximately a company per side with some armour.

I don't mind a scenario or a quick battle. Not sure what I have to do to get a game started, so my opponent would need to do the set-up.



Welcome to the FGM - if you fancy another game let me know I am happy with any setup, and we don't make it a ladder game if you prefer til you feel you have found your feet, the CM series are funny beasts tho - even when you think you know the game it can throw you a curve, so jump in and enjoy...
Hi Richtig,

I'd love to play against you. As long as you don't mind explaining how we set-up etc.

I should have removed "If the above sounds reasonable I'd like to accept "Hang Fire" on his offer since he mentioned support between turns." I copied and pasted my installation details from an earlier post and forgot to remove this sentence.

I need to get the hang of the nuances of the game first, so happy to go with a non-ladder game as you suggest.

Now what do we do?


I will send you a dropbox share - then we decide what to play - happy to let you pick a battle scenario or whatever really - do you have a preference for sides - if you want I will select a game and we can get rolling..
Hi, I prefer to play as the German side. Only because I'm more familiar with their kit etc. Also happy to go with your preference though.

As far as battle choice goes, I don't mind a scenario or Quick battle - are QB's easier to make it even? That said I'll probably need the forces set-up in my favour so I a stand a chance.

Please select something as you've done this before.


Ok - did you get the dropbox link and are you in that ok?

I have chosen Huzzar from CMBN - it is a German attack so you should get something to play with. I haven't actually played this one so we can see how it goes.

Check your dropbox and link to it via H2HH if you are using that - then we can chat via the H2HH chat as and when - your first turn may just be to add a password...

Ok, sounds like a good place to start.

I've accepted your Dropbox invite. I can't figure out how to connect my h2hh up.

How do we start the game? Open CMBN?

Go to H2HH

Under 'Game'

select add game - and then point it at the drop box folder - sometimes takes a few minutes to pick up..

You should ok once you target the incoming game file, H2HH will show the game title in bold and say your turn - you can then right click to launch CMBN and load a saved game... away we go...
Ok, I loaded CMBN and started Huzzar then set a password.

I can see the game in H2hh but I can't get the chat working.

With the game selected in H2HH go to game and edit game - make sure the box - game file folder is pointing to the correct box...
Didn't see your last post.

On h2hh the "game" drop down I only have "edit game" or "game chat" no add game. I have version 1.5.3.

Maybe I haven't linked it correctly. I have to add my dropbox location and the installation for each game?


Choose edit game and make sure the game file folder is point to our drop box - hit refresh afterwards...
Might be worth checking version of H2HH - I am on Mac and mine is 2.9.2 - have you had it a while?
Sorry - just thought when you said you had started Huzzar - you don't mean from scratch?

You should get the file called: Chrisos v Richtig Huzzar 001.ema

This is what you should either link to as a new game in H2HH, or copy it and paste it into your incoming email file in CMBN, then run the game - load it via saved games, set password or whatever else it lets you do, then after exiting check H2HH links so it can send it to the correct drop box -

Sorry I feel like I am making this overly complex - apologies
OK, I'll try that.

Had to sort out dinner for the wife and boy.

No worries - I am about to go get food myself - but I will check back one last time later - with luck you will have sorted it and winged the file back to me.

If not I am around most nights or will catch up soon. Nice to meet you and looking forward to our game.

Geordie graphic designer, so we have some common ground even without the game...

Real names Gary - Richtig to the FGM...
Maybe its the very old version of h2hh. It was the only one I could find online for windows.

The instructions I found were so "lite" they don't really help.

Speak to you in a bit.


I found the first game file in the dropbox folder and placed it in the "Incoming email" folder (~Chrisos v Richtig Huzzar 001.ema)

I loaded CMBN and went to the saved game folder and clicked the file. It asked me to select a side and add a password.

And then it did nothing except create "Chrisos v Richtig Huzzar 002.ema". I placed this in our dropbox folder (I assume that is what you meant). It didn't let me take a turn in the game or anything?!

In the mean time I've found this: http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/threads/h2hh-2-9-2-upgrade.18368/ I'll install this and see if I can get it working.

Sorry to be such a pain - and thank you for taking the time to explain.


No worries I can see the file and will fire it back shortly.

Check that H2HH is looking at the dropbox file, and you should see the 003 file drop in...
Hmm the newer version of h2hh has the add game at least.

Can't see 003 file yet in the dropbox folder.

When do I get to take a turn - I haven't been able to start yet.

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