Looking for an opponent




I'm looking for an opponent for CM:BN 2.0 + CW quick battle. Have Dropbox and H2HH.

Forces preferably large or huge, can also be medium. Larger maps so that there is room to maneuver. Attack or ME are ok, can play either side. Other stuff like house rules to be mutually agreed upon (I prefer making the game as realistic as possible).

Anyone up for a game?
I'd be up for a game.

Um, your'e playing 2.0??? Why no upgrade to 2.01???

Either Large or Huge Meeting Engagement game is fine by me.
Either Map Preview ON, or Random Map with NO Preview
Organic Arty Restriction OFF or ON [Your Choice]
Max 33% of Points can be spent on Armour
Standard Rarity
Elite difficulty
and other obvious stuff like No Arty on Set-Up Zones.

Have you joined the Ladder, if so,we can play as a Ladder game. If not, lets just play.
I meant 2.01 of course :)

What do you say to:
- huge forces
- organic arty restricion ON
- Preview ON

The rest of the rules are fine by me (armor points, rarity etc.)

I have not joined the ladder yet but I will do that soon. We could play a normal game for now.

Any preferences for the map, weather conditions or nations you would like to play as?
I'll play as German Heer.
Your choice of map, either clear or random for weather.

And just let me know which Allied Army you're taking.
Alright, will choose a map first and then PM you the details, should be in an hour or two :)
No worries and send the invite to a Dropbox folder for sharing files to the email address in my profile.
Yup, deploying now. Will upload as soon as I'm finished. Good luck and have fun!
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