Looking for an opponent



Hi all,

As a new member of TFGM, I would like to start a PBEM on CMRT or CMBN (V3).
I would like to try "The Passage"... or any other meeting Engagement you could find in the scenario libraries.

1 or 2 files a day
Dropbox and H2H Helper (2.10) installed... not very familiar with H2HH :(

Thanks ThinkinApe. Check your mail box for the drop box link ;)

Another volunteer with a scenario idea ?
I'd like to play a CMRT scenario or a QB, strongly prefer the Reds.
Don't care much about ladders, just for fun.
If interested, drop a line: ailoyros@gmail.com
After hitting the deployment phase I realize I screwed this map up bad. And we need to restart. If you want to send a fight in same folder that will work. I will creat one as well. Sorry for the mixup
This one, as I see, has a lot of points for quite a small map with just one road for the attacker. It is going to be something in the WWI style, chemin des dames... Not really attractive.
If you don't mind I'll pick one myself.
Please do. I am sorry for messing this up so bad. I am very new at setting them up

Ive setup a dropbox with CMRT game file inside. I Strongly prefer Germans. Its a meeting engagement medium game in a villiage.

I would like to use the following points distribution for army selection: 60% Infantry, 30% Tanks, 10% Arty or 70% Infantry, 30% Tanks.

Ive setup a dropbox with CMRT game file inside. I Strongly prefer Germans. Its a meeting engagement medium game in a villiage.

I would like to use the following points distribution for army selection: 60% Infantry, 30% Tanks, 10% Arty or 70% Infantry, 30% Tanks.
OK, Let me see the map. I am not sure if I want to keep it strictly 60-30-10 etc., the fun of QB is that you never know what you are going to face. :)

Yes, but it eleminates the unpleasent nature of me playing infantry and you rolling up with a tank army. It has happened before and it wasnt fun. So the veteran players suggested this measure to ensure a fun but competitive game.
Well, I don't look for equality. Just for fun. This is also why I don't particularly like QB, they look less natural than attack-defence battles.
Perhaps another day, then. :)
Sorry Panzer Kraut, I have 3 opponents for the moment, and its a maximum for me. Perhaps we can play a QB in the future ;)
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