Looking for CM:BN Opponent(s)



I greatly prefer scenarios, and would like to try to find 1 or 2 more PBEM opponents (but I'd be willing to play a live match some time, too.)

I like large scenarios but really, anything is fine.
hi ill play a pbem battle if you are interested send me a message
If your dance card not full, I'd like to play a large scenario. Anything BN or MG is good. Send me a PM if you're interrested and we'll set something up.
Bump... I sent you an email RagingBunny but you never replied.

I'd like to find another opponent. I'd even be willing to play a Huge game, if someone was interested. I could do most of the grunt work by being the attacker.
Oh, sorry for the misunderstanding. I use that e-mail adress for my dropbox only, I should have checked my mail. Sorry, I was expecting a PM.

My dance card is a bit full at the moment, I thought you were the one who was not replying :oops:. I'm sure we'll do battle another time, good luck finding an opponent! (Shouldn't be hard).
Great, I have contacted you both. I'm full of games ATM. I'm not sure how to delete this thread, so I'll just leave this comment here.
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