Looking for Group, er, i mean, opponent.




I used to play CM:AK, but my new system no longer supports the software. Which is a huge shame, because I so loved that game.

I played CM:Shockforce, and its expansions, but it always felt hollow, missing that slug'em feeling of WWII.

I have yet to play CM:BN against a human player. Against the AI, I use Iron.

I'm looking for a medium to tiny game (or several games).
It can be a scenario as well.

I can play either side, prefer standard rarity, attack or meeting.
I can come to gentlemen's agreements on match rules (such as no preplanned bombardment for defenders or meetings).

I'm looking to have fun, even if its a laugh at myself when things start to go really badly for my troops. But, with that said, if your the type who's going to use some slick-trick, not in the spirit of sportsmenship, then I'm not really interested.

I hope to hear from you. I'm itching to start seeing some human opponents, as the AI gets predictable (though it still wins sometimes).

Oh, and I'm v1.1


(this is a repost from the the blitz. btw, dutch grenadier sent me)
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