Looking for help with PBEm



Title kinda says it all. Not looking for a game anymore, I give up:black_eyed: Looking to just get the opponents files in my battlefront folder.
Well first, thankyou for the response. Its very easy to pbem but I seem to be having a conflict with the shortcut for dropbox. Games are not showing up with the proper number at the end. I am able to play the sent game, copy it over to outgoing, then have trouble from outgoing to Dropbox. Still working on it. 36hrs later:)
So you basicly have a question and trouble with Dropbox? Well I'm sorry I cant help you out with that. I dont use dropbox like that. But ask Bootie, Johnsy or Lighthorse. I know they are very good with Dropbox.
H2HH and Dropbox is the way to go.... Once you set it up, you never touch a file during the game... plus you have a Chat feature for you and your opponent (example... Johnsy always tells me how he is beating me in his chats...lmao)
Thats strange because I am transferring files from incoming mail to game, backout from game to outgoing, then to dropbox, then again to dropbox folder, then cutting and pasteing to proper folder in dropbox.
Thats strange because I am transferring files from incoming mail to game, backout from game to outgoing, then to dropbox, then again to dropbox folder, then cutting and pasteing to proper folder in dropbox.
H2HH does all that for you.. and keeps the directories clean as it moves the old move files to the recycle bin... you can get it HERE
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