Looking for Ithikial


Michael Dorosh

Does Ithikial post here? Looking to ask him a question.
I know that he's a member, not really what I was asking.
If you tag him he will know you are looking for him.

Tags are made by putting a @ infront of a name.

Yeah right here. What's the question?
First, I just wanted to say your VC calculator spreadsheet is brilliant. Just used it to good effect - I hope.

I found it doing a google search for how victory points in CM are calculated in the first place - do you have any info on that? For example I just did a scenario where the German gets three Tigers, and the British get unit-based victory points if they don't exit. But in testing, it seemed like the Tigers were worth different point values - couldn't predict with much accuracy how to balance out the point totals. Any good references or sources that discuss this?
First, I just wanted to say your VC calculator spreadsheet is brilliant. Just used it to good effect - I hope.

I found it doing a google search for how victory points in CM are calculated in the first place - do you have any info on that? For example I just did a scenario where the German gets three Tigers, and the British get unit-based victory points if they don't exit. But in testing, it seemed like the Tigers were worth different point values - couldn't predict with much accuracy how to balance out the point totals. Any good references or sources that discuss this?
I just played that little scenario today. Managed to get a Total Victory but lost 26 brave Brits in the process. Managed to disable the lead Tiger with hand grenades and surrounded the resulting traffic jam with PIATS and grenade carrying guinea pigs... errrr... I mean soldiers. Rear two Tigers knocked out through this process and the immobilised tank never had a chance to reach the exit zone.

The mathematical equation for working out VP can be found inside the main game engine manual towards the end.

I'm guessing the different point values for each Tiger was because you've got one Destroy objective covering all three Tigers and the value in points that you've assigned isn't divisible by three. (Not to mention surviving crew members could still play a small part). Suggest giving each Tiger their own unit designation and then their own Destroy Objective so they are individually tracked and points awarded for each separately.

Hope that helps and glad the little tool has come in use. ;)
I just played that little scenario today. Managed to get a Total Victory but lost 26 brave Brits in the process. Managed to disable the lead Tiger with hand grenades and surrounded the resulting traffic jam with PIATS and grenade carrying guinea pigs... errrr... I mean soldiers. Rear two Tigers knocked out through this process and the immobilised tank never had a chance to reach the exit zone.

Thanks for trying the scen. The sighting rules in CM really make it unpredictable/more challenging. Tigers roaring over squads in open ground oblivious to each other, etc.

The mathematical equation for working out VP can be found inside the main game engine manual towards the end.

On p.85 of my printed v3.01 manual, I see the calculation for level of victory (I think this is also what your spreadsheet calculates). What I don't understand is how the values of the units themselves are determined. Is there any way for the designer to know which units are worth how much? I understand that points aren't awarded for Destroy All unless they are all destroyed.

The only calculation I see is on page 85 that says "you get "some" points for each soldier, "more points" for vehicles, "even more" for tanks, and "less" for lighter vehicles." Is there any way to tell exactly what each unit is worth, without playing the scenario over and over?

I'm guessing the different point values for each Tiger was because you've got one Destroy objective covering all three Tigers and the value in points that you've assigned isn't divisible by three. (Not to mention surviving crew members could still play a small part). Suggest giving each Tiger their own unit designation and then their own Destroy Objective so they are individually tracked and points awarded for each separately.

Hope that helps and glad the little tool has come in use.

That's a helpful tip. If nothing else, it might make the trial and error of figuring out what a Tiger is worth easier. So if the crew bails out, I take it that it would deny a "Destroy All" result. So better to split them up into three, so if one crew survives, it won't deny the "destroy all" for the other two.
Thanks for trying the scen. The sighting rules in CM really make it unpredictable/more challenging. Tigers roaring over squads in open ground oblivious to each other, etc.

On p.85 of my printed v3.01 manual, I see the calculation for level of victory (I think this is also what your spreadsheet calculates). What I don't understand is how the values of the units themselves are determined. Is there any way for the designer to know which units are worth how much? I understand that points aren't awarded for Destroy All unless they are all destroyed.

The only calculation I see is on page 85 that says "you get "some" points for each soldier, "more points" for vehicles, "even more" for tanks, and "less" for lighter vehicles." Is there any way to tell exactly what each unit is worth, without playing the scenario over and over?

That's a helpful tip. If nothing else, it might make the trial and error of figuring out what a Tiger is worth easier. So if the crew bails out, I take it that it would deny a "Destroy All" result. So better to split them up into three, so if one crew survives, it won't deny the "destroy all" for the other two.[/QUOTE]
Yeah the Victory Point Calculator tool lets you quickly adjust points for individual objectives on the fly to see what you'll need to assign for each to get the desired outcome. And play out simulations based on what you expect the player to realistically achieve.

It's very unforgiving for a player to go up against, especially if it's a yes/no situation between victory or defeat. I've personally only used the 'Destroy All' objective once IRC. I used it for a small bonus 50 points in my Joe's Bridge scenario. If the Germans are good enough kill the Battalion commander's HQ team they would get the points. It was a bit of joking 'Kill Michael Caine' objective given the 'Bridge Too Far' movie that would occur straight after the battle. Small enough to have a laugh but was never going to seriously swing that battle on it's own. I don't think Destroy All would work here as the Brits would have to ensure the crew members are all killed as well to get the points when the mission is clearly focused specifically on the tanks themselves. The Destroy objective should award virtually 90% plus of the VP's assigned to each tank to the Tiger itself rather than the crew.
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