Looking for opponent - Big battles


Tyson Pearsall

So after hearing/watching/reading about people doing monster sized battles using Scenario Editor, I am ITCHING to get my hands dirty with one of these. I have 0 experience in setting one up but have done a bit of reading and feel somewhat competent in the process, though I will likely need my hand held through part of the process.

I've liked the look of two maps, WynterGreen's 'Three Town's' map, as well as NormanD's '2k' map, though I'm open to others should someone have suggestions.

I have not abandoned a game, and don't intend to, though I've had one be abandoned on me. I am slower on turn rates though, (1-2 turns per week with larger battles -sometimes more when time affords but I have a heavy work week), but I am consistent and I communicate. Time zone doesn't really matter to me since the turn rate is slower, but I am GMT-6. I have all mods as well.

If you're interested send me a pm or email.

Thanks in advance.
I'm in the process of setting up a Massive scale game on a new version of 'Three Towns' at the moment, so another one at this scale might be too much for me, but if you need any help let me know.

I'm happy to add in 'Known to Player Only' Objectives and set reinforcement timings for your forces so that you can have an initial Reconnaissance Phase before the main body arrives etc..... that's if you're interested in adding details like that.

I initially made 'Three Towns' [the one you have] for a 2v2 game, the new version of 'Three Towns' is an Attack Map set up for a 2v2 counter attack after the Germans lost game one. It adds new ground to the North of the map, which was the edge the Germans attacked from in game one and models in all the damage and vehicle wrecks from the initial encounter.

Sadly game two of the 2v2 never happened, but the map exists, so if you'd prefer to play an Attack Game, I can send you the map.
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Hi Wynnter.

ill grab both maps from you if youll be so kind as to share it with me.

Then ill be happy to try a big map with you Tyson.
No problem Panzer_Kraut.
Invite my email address to a Dropbox Folder if you have one and I'll send you the Maps.

Damaged terrain will appear on the Attack version if you use it for a Quick Battle, but you'll need to use it as a Scenario if you want the vehicle wrecks to be placed on the map. Not that they're particularly important really.

Let me know if you want help setting up the game.
howzit Wynnter.

Its done. Thanx allot. Let me know if you'd like to play some CMBN, FI, RT games.
Excellent! Thanks for the offer Wynnter. I guess we'll see what P_K and I decide we'd like to do for our battle. Will definitely have to take you up on that at some point though.

Panzer_Kraut, lets do it my friend. I'll send you a pm.

Have another offer of a battle from borroughs, so I think I'll cap my game limit at that for now. Thanks!
Re-offering on the monster battle, my opponent doesn't believe that their system will be able to handle the points that I'd like to do.

I'll clarify what I'm hoping for in the monster battle. I was hoping for a point value somewhere in the vicinity of 15,000. I have a few maps in mind, but am very open to any other suggestions. Would like to do a meeting engagement, as I find these to be slightly more balanced in QB's with both forces having to fight to gain advantage. Also would like to have a few limits:
30% armor
5-10% non-organic artillery
10-15% light armor/halftracks/recon vehicles

Very keen to do one of these battles, hope someone else is too! :)
Begging for an opponent now. -- Anyone have some free time to commit to a huge scale battle. Will take some time to get it set up but will be well worth the effort. Would be nice to have an opponent who has experience with the scenario editor to make it a bit easier, but I'd gladly take anyone!
YES! You can pm me or email me (below my avatar) whichever you prefer. I also use steam and skype and prefer to communicate with those, if you have them. If not, pm or email is fine.
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