Looking for Opponent for CMBN or CMRT

Howzit Frosty.

I'm keen for some CMRT QB's. Ive got Dropbox, CMHelper and all. I prefer to play Germans.
@DasTiger I don't mind playing two multiplayer games at once, do you guys wanna create the mission? I'm still pretty new to multiplayer.
I've sent the game file.

Only rule for our game is that only 30% - 33% can be given to armour. Unless you want to run a Tank battle then I can field a force to match.
And no bombardments in your opponents deployment area. Bombardments must stay 200m away from deployment.

Good luck and have fun mate. See you in the game.
sounds good, how can I see what percentage of my force is armor?
Thats easy mate. Grab a calculator and workout what 30% - 33% of your given points is. That will be your given points.
oh I see, 30-33% based on costs, thanks for the clarification. I'll be sending you a save soon
would you prefer to play a scenario, or a quick battle, and what army would you like to play as?
ok, i'll play as germans for this one then, I'm sharing the folder with you now, if you have any questions about dropbox or cm helper you can pm me.
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