Looking for Opponent/s CMBN



I'm 100% green at H2H just FYI. I downloaded a PBEM helper called WhoseTurnIsIt and I think I'm ready to jam.

I'm not sure if it matters but my version of CMBN is 2.12. If I need to upgrade to 3.0 I will do so.

EDIT: Forgot to mention I also have CW and MG modules
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I would say the majority of the players are at the latest which is 3.11
You might get lucky and find someone at 2.12 though?

I have never used the WhoseTurnIsIt program but I do know that the majority use CMHelper instead.
Update as of 2-10-2015
I heard WTII is easier to install but does not have a chat function that CMH does. This allows you to send messages with your files. Keep us up to date on how it works for you.
Thank you eniced, if most people are using CMhelper then there's no reason why I shouldn't. I'll be upgrading to 3.11 shortly, so I suppose this thread is closed. I'll post a new one once I'm updated.
Hi there, I myself am a greenhorn at H2H pbem. I'm currently in my second game. I have all WW2 modules up to date. Please feel free to drop a line if you want to fire up a game.
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