Looking for Players for CMRT Operation Konrad Campaign Oct'24


FGM Company Sergeant Major
Jun 5, 2021
Reaction score
Wisconsin, USA
Hello FGMers-
I am looking for a replacement player for the Operation Konrad Campaign that has been running for much of the last year. The person will be playing on the Soviet team. The campaign is in Round 4 of 7, and the initial battle you will play is a Soviet infantry Probe in Budapest.
The quick battles in the campaign are not necessarily balanced, and can vary as the Soviet player between attacking in Budapest, defending against German Attacks along the roads to Budapest, and Meeting Engagements between the two sides. Battles are 30-45 long, and so a Round may last 1.5-2 months.

You must have CMRT and the Fire and Rubble add-on to participate.
You must be able to keep up with a 5-7 turns per week rate, with periodic breaks for real life stuff like vacation, illness, etc. I just ask that players communicate with me and their opponent when things come up and turns will be delayed.
You also need to OK with not everything being 100% "fair." Some situations and maps will not be favorable to you (or your opponents), although I strive for as much balance as I can. This campaign is for someone who is OK with that, and knowing that their action is part of an overall team effort and story.

To see what we've been doing, the rules, etc., please check out the threads here:

If you are interested, please shoot me a PM.
Giving this a bump, after an extended hiatus. If you responded to my initial inquiry back in March, I apologize as life started to seriously intervene and the campaign ended up not needing a new player at that time. But, now we do.

Hello FGMers-
I am looking for UP TO FOUR replacement players for the Operation Konrad Campaign that has been running for much of the last year.
I have 1 DEFINITE opening on the German side, with potentially 1 more German and 2 Soviet players. The German players get assigned to a "path" toward Budapest or as a defender of Budapest itself. The Soviet players rotate amongst matches. The campaign is in Round 5 of 7, and very much hangs in the balance.
The quick battles in the campaign are not necessarily balanced, and can vary between Attack, Defense, and meeting engagements. Battles are 30 minutes long, and so a Round may last 1-1.5 months. Each "side" has an overall commander, the rest of your team, and me to help you out.

You must have CMRT and the Fire and Rubble add-on to participate.
You must be able to keep up with a 5-7 turns per week rate, with periodic breaks for real life stuff like vacation, illness, etc. I just ask that players communicate with me and their opponent when things come up and turns will be delayed.
You also need to OK with not everything being 100% "fair." Some situations and maps will not be favorable to you (or your opponents), and may seem quite hopeless. Some individual battles may end up being meaningless. This campaign is for someone who is OK with all of that, knowing that their action is part of an overall team effort and story, and just wanting to play some CMRT.

To see what we've been doing, the rules, etc., please check out the threads here:

If you are interested, please shoot me a PM.
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